Awardit: Invitation to investors presentation - Quartely report Q4-2021 

Invitation to investors presentation - Quartely report Q4-2021

On February 25 at 10.00 AM Niklas Lundqvist (CEO) gives an investors presentation about Awardit and the quarterly report of Q4 2021.

The report will be publically available at 08.30 AM and will simultaneously be published on the web site of Awardit

The presentation will be held via Microsoft Teams, please connect using this link.

For further information, please contact:

CEO: Niklas Lundqvist
Phone: +46 704 82 20 74
E-mail: [email protected]

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About Awardit

Awardit helps businesses increase revenue and profitability by implementing and operating loyalty programs, incentive programs and giftcard programs targeting B2B & B2C customers. Awardit provides customers with program platforms on SaaS-basis, content in the form of commerce opportunities, partner networks as well as third party distribution of giftcards. The programs are normally provided on white label basis but Awardit also operate several private labels. Awardit is the largest company and platform in the Nordics in the sector.

The company's shares trade on Nasdaq First North Growth Market (AWRD). The company's Certified Adviser is Aqurat Fondkommission AB, reachable at [email protected] or 08-684 05 800.

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